Primary/Secondary School Complex

Project for the Competition for the Enlargement

of a Primary/Secondary School Complex with the construction 

of a building for a kindergarten in Arsago Seprio, Varese, organized by the Arsago Seprio City Council, 2004. Project published in R. Gamba, edited by, Osservatorio Concorsi – Nuovo complesso scolastico integrato ad Arsago Seprio, in ″AL – Mensile 

di informazione della Consulta degli Ordini degli architetti lombardi″ No. 4, April 2005, p. 30. Project shown in Mostra 

dei progetti di concorso″, Arsago Seprio, 8th May – 29th May 2005.


Architect team leader: Maurizio Carones; design team: Paolo Carones, Anna Dal Sasso, Paola Del Re, Francesco Fallavollita

Awarded second prize in the competition

School Complex  Enlargment  Arsago



Main Contacts

+ 39 - 02 - 468874

Website redesign: Giulia Romani